Alice’s (Milla Jovovich) Para-Ordnance P14 Pistols
Alice (Milla Jovovich) wakes up in Racoon city hospital after the city has been overrun by zombies. Alice must now make it out of the city before a mucilage bomb is dropped on the city. From the 2004 film Resident Evil: Apocalypse, these are Alice’s hero live fire twin Para-Ordnance P14 pistols. After she crashes through a church window, Alice uses her P-14s to blow up the motorcycle with a licker on it. According to the armorer, they shaved the beaver-tails and cleared up the back edges of her handguns along with deactivating the handguns before we obtained them so they could no longer be fired as an automatic.
- Collector : Hollywood History
- Category : Original / Screen-used
- Movie : Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)