Angela Carson’s (Amy Smart) Prosthetic Chin
This prosthetic chin piece and tongue were worn by Angela Carson (Amy Smart) in the 2008 horror film Mirrors, starring Kiefer Sutherland. Angela is possessed by a demon and the demon causes her to rip her jaw and tongue off while sitting in the bathtub. This piece was used for the scene and is the prosthetic version that was pulled off on set. The pieces are made from latex and resin, and have detailed with stage blood and simulated "guts". The base of the display also contains screen used mirror shards used in the finale of the film. Anna Esseker is posessed by a demon and her treatment is to sit in a room full of mirrors causing the demon to leave her and enter the mirrors. On
ce the demon re-enters Anna's body, the mirrors explode into tiny shards.
- Collector : Hollywood History
- Category : Original / Screen-used
- Movie : Mirrors (2008)
- Name of actress or actor : Amy Smart (2)