Gonzo’s Picture

Gonzo’s Picture

Gonzo is contacted by his alien family through his breakfast cereal. But when the men in black kidnap him, it's up to Kermit and the gang to rescue Gonzo and help him reunite with his long-lost family.  From the 1999 Jim Henson film Muppets from Space, this is one of Gonzo’s featured framed photos seen close up on screen. Gonzo has always been identified as a "whatever"; but after having disturbing dreams of abandonment and rejection including him being denied entry to Noah's Ark, he begins to realize just how alone he is in the world. This framed picture can be seen when Gonzo tells Kermit that he is getting tired of being referred to as a "whatever” and Kermit tells Gon zo he is “Distinct”; as Gonzo replies “more like extinct”. Obtained from the films art director, this is the one and only made and used on screen symbolizing Gonzo’s loneliness in life.


  • Movie : Muppets from Space