Insert Clapperboard
A clapperboard used in the production of the modern Muppets sequel Muppets Most Wanted. Arrested in an unfortunate case of mistaken identity, Kermit the Frog must enlist the help of his Muppet friends to escape a Siberian gulag, clear his name and bring his nefarious doppelganger, the criminal mastermind Constantine, to justice. One of the most iconic and memorable aspects of the movie making industry has to be the clapperboard. For decades this has been a vital piece of equipment that enables not just sound and image to be synchronised, but to also advise the viewer of the raw footage the exact details of the upcoming shot. The simple monochromatic device has become a symbolic image synon
ymous with films, and is still used to this day. This insert clapperboard was used for close-up shots where a larger clapperboard was inappropriate for use. The clapper is made of acrylic with the early logo for “The Muppets: Take 2” at the top. The name of director James Bobin has been laser cut into the board, while the name of second unit Director of Photography Michael Burgess is taped over the bottom. The slate has remnants of black marker on it from use, with a printed label denoting the last day of its use as 28th March 2013. The clapper sticks, which are made of wood, remain loose and deliver a sharp snap when closed.