Leatherface Display

Leatherface Display

A young woman travels to Texas to collect an inheritance; little does she know that an encounter with a chainsaw-wielding killer is part of the reward. This complete display from the 2013 slasher, Texas Chainsaw 3D consists of a hero bloody costume, hero mask, threading needle and  chainsaw that depicts the instantly recognizable character Jedidiah "Jed" Sawyer (Dan Yeager), also known as "Leatherface". The threading needle and mask can bee seen close up during one of the main scenes in the film. The camera zooms in for a close up of Leatherface when you see him sew the new mask onto his face and can be matched to all the scenes showing this mask along with the needle he used to sew i t. 


  • Movie : Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (2013)