One-Eyed Willie Treasure Coin

One-Eyed Willie Treasure Coin

A piece of One-Eyed Willie’s treasure from Richard Donner’s children’s adventure film The Goonies. A group of children, wanting one last adventure before they are forced to split up for good, decide to follow an old treasure map found in an ancient chest. However, a chance encounter with the criminal Fratelli family sends them on a life-or-death rollercoaster ride as they hunt down One-Eyed Willie and his pirate hoard. This coin and others like it made up the gold hoard on board the hidden pirate ship Inferno, the last resting place of pirate captain One-Eyed Willie. The coin is made of metal with cast-in gate and Spanish crest detailing, and painted with a burnished gold finish. The edging of the coin has been purposefully cast roughly to give the piece the look of a vintage gold doubloon.


  • Movie : The Goonies (1985)