Pre-Crime Ball
Each Pre-Crime victim or perpetrator's name, derived from the visions of the three precogs, was automatically etched on a wooden ball at the start of the investigation. D.C. Pre-crime Police Chief Anderton (Tom Cruise) was surprised to find that, in 36 hours, he himself would murder a man he didn't know. From the 2002 sci-fi film Minority Report, this is a Pre-Crime ball was used in the scene where the balls are shown being created showing the names of the would-be killers and there possible victims. This ball features the original name for the wife's lover. According to the script the male victim was named "Donald Doobin". That name also features in the credits which then changed to "Dubi
n" for the on screen ball which looks to have been a late change possibly by CGI. All balls are unique due to the wood used and this ball can be traced back to the Fox Yahoo sales where they used "MIR" as an abbreviation along with Fox paperwork and display in a custom made globe.