Time Scepter
When their closest friend April O'Neil discovers an ancient scepter with magical powers, the turtles must cow-a-bunga their way back to 17th century Japan to rescue her from the evil clutches of Lord Norinaga. From the 1993 film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, this is the Time Scepter seen throughout the film. In the third live-action movie, the Scepter is bought by April as a gift to Splinter at a Japanese flea market. In feudal Japan, Kenshin also holds the scepter causing him to switch places with April landing him in the present while she travels to medieval Japan. In order to activate it, at least one of the users must speak the inscription "Open Wide the Gates of Time" and the peop
le who are switched must have the same weight as Don explains "It's equal mass displacement!”.
- Collector : Hollywood History
- Category : Original / Screen-used
- Movie : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 (1993)