Voodoo Doll and Needle
Launched with nuclear Armageddon, Apocalypse‘s apocalypse was only the beginning as the star-studded horror anthology took a hard-left turn into a long-promised merging of characters from earlier seasons of the FX anthology. The eighth season of the 2018 series American Horror Story: Apocalyopse; has been described as a crossover between the first and third seasons of the series. This voodoo doll and needle were used in the beginning of episode 7 “Traitor” when Voodoo queen Dinah Stevens is seen performing a ritual on a woman who is guilty of having extramarital sex. Dinah gets paid by the cheated wife and surprises her with the woman's ripped-out heart which she p
uts in a blender, together with some other concoctions. After forcing the husband to swallow the potion, Dinah leaves and is confronted outside by Cordelia. This is the screen matched and only one made for filming complete with the needle seen being pushing into the doll.
- Collector : Hollywood History
- Category : Original / Screen-used
- Movie : American Horror Story (TV) (2011)